Search Results for: shame

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1456452This blog represents a place where I shed the pretenses of daily life.  I hope to claim ownership of my life story since this is essential for healing & growth.  For the  “internet voyeurs” out there, you’re in for a real treat as I engage in “radical honesty”.  I’m putting myself out there, without shame or apology.  I’d love it you’d join me.
921754I spend 99.9% of my personal & professional life in the service & care of others.  Interactions develop a one-sided feel due to the nature of the relationships I find myself in. Personal feelings & thoughts are a secondary matter.  In this blog I state things that remain “unsaid” elsewhere in life.  I ask questions that have remained “unasked”.  I set aside political correctness & really GO THERE…
img_2921Keep in mind, this candor doesn’t have devious intentions.  I’m not playing the victim & feeling sorry for myself.  I have no desire to engage in a political or social debate if it involves a “taking sides” mindset.  I just have a boundless intellectual curiosity.  I desire to understand this world in which we live…
I’d love it if you’d follow me as I take this journey through life… Click Here to Drop Me a Line if you wish!!
231062I’m honestly quite proud of what I’ve created here.  I see no reason why a person can’t engage in intellectual curiosity & mindless fun while looking good 🙂 … On a serious note, I really have put quite a bit of work into it.  Not only is it well-designed, the content is well-thought out and researched.  Enter your email below & be the first to receive personal freebies & updates…

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img_0513I Look forward to hearing from you!!



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