Codependency Class…

As a student therapist, I’m running several therapy groups independently.  In order  to organize my efforts, I’m starting individual web pages for each class I’m teaching.  This page pertains to a codependency class…
This is where I plan on keeping links to sources of information used in class….

Essential Reading…

Beattie, M. (1990). Codependents’ guide to the twelve steps. Prentice Hal
Beattie, M. (2009). The Language of Letting Go: Hazelden Meditation Series. Hazelden Publishing.
Beattie, M. (2013). Codependent no more: How to stop controlling others and start caring for yourself. Hazelden Publishing.
Beattie, M. (2009). Beyond codependency: And getting better all the time. Hazelden Publishing.

Week One Material

Idea – Defining The Concept….

Start with a codependency quiz, and review results in class (Fischer, 2009).  Then read through your handout which provides a “quick & dirty overview” of codependency & the recovery process.  Then participants read material from on codependent thinking and personal patterns together.  Concluded with an exercise in self reflection that utilizes material from the British of Colombia, (n.d.) listed below.  Printed pages on signs and symptoms of and circle characteristics that described them most.  Shared thoughts in class.

Resources used…

Fischer J (2009).  Spann-Fischer Codependency Scale.  Retrieved from:

click here for your codependency handout (n.d.a.) Codependent Thinking.  Retrieved from: (n.d.b.) Codependent Personality Patterns.  Retrieved from:

The University of British Colombia. (n.d.). Addiction & Codependency.  Retrieved from:

Here’s a Link to a Post on the Subject of Codependency

Week Two Material

Idea – What Recovery Looks Like….

Read Chapter 2 of “Beyond Codependency”, providing an overview of what the recovery process looks like (Beattie, 2009). Next utilize the Family a Recovery Plan form in the resource by Claudia Black a listed below, and define green/yellow/green light behaviors,  Develop recovery play to prevent red light behaviors,   What can trigger. How will you manage or prevent this?  Everybody fill form out and then share.

Resources used…

Beattie, M. (2009). Beyond codependency: And getting better all the time. Hazelden Publishing.

Black, C. (2010).  Families and Addictions: Interventions,  Retrieved from:

Week three Material

Idea: Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships.

Begin by reading characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships from the University of Washington resource below.  Have everybody in the group write on notecards their recipe for a healthy relationships, including what they must give to it and receive from it.  Share in class.  If time allows, utilize the Role Play scenarios on pages 56-59 of Healthy Relationship Resource Kit listed below (Western Health, n.d.).

Resources used…

University of Washington Tacoma (n.d.). Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships.  Retrieved from:

Western Health (2011) Healthy Relationships Resources Kit.  Retrieved from:

Week Four Material…

Idea –  Roles in the Addicted Family

Start off by reading Addiction & Codepndnch resource, (Colombia, n.d.), resource on common roles in an addicted family.  Next review have participants fill out Claudia Black’s (2010) information on addicted family roles.    Finally,  Read through Lesson three “The Bottle Family” in the Family Reecovery Workbook (Dunklin Northland Church, n.d.) and pick participants for a role play scenario

Resesources Used…

Black, C. (2010). Families and Addictions: Interventions, Retrieved from:

Dunklin Northland Church (n.d.) Family Recovery: A workbook from chemical dependency. Retrieved from:

Colombia. (n.d.). Addiction & Codependency. Retrieved from:

Week Five Material…

Idea –  Enabling & Detachment

Begin by reading Step One Information on page 24 from “Codependent No More” (Beattie, 2010).   Next pass out a self assessment form.  Can use Enabling & unmanageability assessments from Black (2010).  Can also use the unmanageability exercise from the CODA Tulsa (n.d.) handout.  Have participants share results when done, then review information on Detachment in Lesson Four of the Dunkin Memorial Church (n.d.) resource.

Resources Used….

Black, C. (2010). Families and Addictions: Interventions, Retrieved from:

CODA Tulsa (n.d.).  CODA Melody Beattie “Codependent’s Guide to the 12-Steps” – Step 1.  Retrieved from:

Dunklin Northland Church (n.d.) Family Recovery: A workbook from chemical dependency. Retrieved from:

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